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  Security of your account

Administration of the game will never ask your login and the password!
The list of Game GM available only in official site of the game, You can found it here.
If you Receive some message from Player wich nick name begins with GM, check the official GM list to make sure that this is real GM.
GameSage: LC :: Group Members.

That game delivered only pleasant emotions, it is necessary to observe ten simple safety rules:

Do not use in the name of an account names of game characters as it can strongly facilitate a problem of not authorized access to the swindler to an account.
The password should contain not less than seven symbols.
Use letters in different registers, and also figures and signs.
Change the password to an account not less often than an once in a month. The burglar, got access to your account, can wait the moment when you will develop the character up to a high level and only then to take advantage of data.
Concern responsibly and to safety of a mail box.
Do not use simple passwords as they easily steal up by means of special programs-burglars.
Never leave data of an account and the address of a mail box in opened the Internet-sources, especially on sites and forums of Guilds.
Such resources, as a rule, also are visited by swindlers who under a kind of friends get the confidential information. Also the widespread scheme of a deceit is the organization of false actions (ивентов), for participation in which from the player it is required to enter a login and the password from an account.
The information on all ивентах can be learned only on an official site of game.
Closely type in an address line the Internet-browser a way to Control centre of the Subscription. In case of a mistake you can enter confidential data on the sites-doubles created by swindlers.

Be careful of suspicious letters which contain requests to specify a login and the password. Also these letters can contain references to sites-doubles. Never inform data of an account and mail to extraneous people at dialogue in chats or at forums. Often swindlers under a kind of the representative of a support service request the similar information.
In similar situations immediately inform on incident to experts of a support service of users. Attention! We never are interested personal data of players.
Do not open the suspicious files attached to the letter. They can contain nocuous programs (трояны and кейлоггеры).

On a regular basis check the computer on presence of viruses. Only the license software and its regular updating can guarantee the maximal safety of your information.
Except for that do not forget about existence the Internet and be close to all references on which pass.

To protect the accounts during holiday, business trips or a long absence, observe some simple safety rules:
give to Nobody access to an account, that is a login and the password for the period of the absence; Before departure replace passwords to all services (a game account,
E-mail); Write down date of last input in game; Try to remember, what subjects are on your character; Be convinced, that you have an access to all additional electronic boxes (if are specified). Otherwise remove their addresses from dispatches.
Check up a computer on presence of viruses and other nocuous programs.

At all does not follow: To change passwords on any used earlier; To leave an account someone for "supervision".
To enter simple passwords. The ideal password should be complex enough — to consist of letters and numbers, and it is desirable, that some letters have been entered with change of the register.

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